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Construction in 5th and 6th

Pod 1

Our groups scene was a football match and a best dressed competition. We made a pitch with a robot playing on it and a stage for the best dressed competition. We made dresses from blue and pink paper tissue and masking tape. We used cardboard and green tissue paper for the base of the pitch and pipe cleaners for the goals. Our favourite aspect of our art was the pitch because there is a match playing on it and it looks like a real pitch.

Pod 2

We created a scene based on swimming. We made trophies for first and second place. We made a swimming pool with swimmers in it. We used a lot of tinfoil for the trophies. We used paper and blue tissue for the pool. Our favourite aspect of our scene is the trophies because they look the best and were the hardest to make.

Pod 3

Our groups scene created the solar system. We made people, planets, a fisherman, a tractor and a big tower. We used cardboard, toilet roll tubes, paper, card, newspaper, shoe boxes, masking tape and bubble wrap. The people on the water are fishing and one person is on a boat. One person is standing in front of the solar system, one is on a tractor and people have been crushed by the fallen tower. Our favourite aspect of the scene was getting to see what everyone created and how it all came together in the end and how it fitted in with our solar system scene.

Pod 4

Our group created a party scene. We made robots, minions and a frog. We used carboard boxes, tissue paper, pipe cleaners and masking tape to make our scene. Our characters are all at the party together having fun. Our favourite part of the scene was making the robot because we used a lot of different materials and it really stands out.

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