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Green Schools Flag

Our Green Flag Journey

Some pics and snippets from our newsletters 2012-2020 on how we got to where we are now

Flag History
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The Story So Far.....

We would like to give you a flavour of how we got to working towards Green Flag 10. Below we have some excerpts taken from our school newsletters. We hope you enjoy perusing through them and that they give a sense of the journey taken to ensure that our pupils are aware of their responsibility to take care of our environment and preserve our world for future generations.

Green Flag 1 - Theme - Litter and Waste got our school up and running.

Green School News
December 2012

We are all very busy working on our Green School theme for this year which is Biodiversity. We hope to receive our 5th Green flag before the summer holidays. A lot of work has already been
done with our school garden but
we need to do a lot more.

All classes spent the month of October working on Biodiversity Junior and Senior Infants built a hedgehog hotel, First and Second Class studied birds in our local area, Third and Fourth class studied plant diversity and Fifth and Sixth Class had fun learning all about snails and earthworms. We all had a lot of fun learning new things and making displays for the hall.

In December we are going to concentrate on feeding the birds and hopefully in January we will have a day of action where we will plant lots of trees.

By the Green School Committee

Green School News October 2013

The theme for our next Green flag is Global Citizenship – Litter & Waste. Ms. Toolan is waiting on an information evening to learn more about what An Taisce want us to carry out. A new committee will be in place after the Halloween holidays and then we can get going on this exciting new theme.

REPACK Recycling week was
from 30th September to 6th October. We reviewed litter in the school and talked about what we can reduce, reuse and recycle.

National Tree day takes place on the 10th October. This year’s theme is Show a little aTREEciation. The Tree Day website is packed full of tree facts, fun lessons and activities to help you get outside and enjoy all the wonderful things that trees provide.

By the Green School Committee

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Green Flag 2 - Theme - Water - Conservation of Water added to continuing to work on reducing litter.

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Green School News March 2012

As part of Green schools we have been tidying up the courtyard. We have filled lots of containers with lovely bedding plants for the courtyard. We are going painting one wall in the courtyard with a mural. We have also started our vegetable garden. We have planted onions, potatoes, strawberries and lettuce. We also went for a walk to Cloonacool Community Centre during national walk to school week. While we on our walk we helped Attracta to plant some bedding plants at the community centre as part of the community involvement
section of Green Schools.

Green School News March 2014

Green School News - March 2014
We are all very busy with our latest theme – Global Citizenship : Litter and Waste. We are currently working on our litter and waste review, our global awareness survey and our nationality
survey. Our new committee is working very hard and our meetings are proving
very productive. Well done to all involved at this early stage!

By The Green School Committee

Green School News October 2014

We are all very busy working on our final year of Global Citizenship - Litter and Waste. Our Green School meetings are the last Thursday of every month. Our
September meeting was very successful. According to our Action
Plan we are on target to receive our 6th Green Flag. The closing date for application is 27th March and we will have a school inspection before this date.
By The Green School Committee

Green School News March 2015

We are very busy getting ready for our Green School Inspection on Friday 20th March with Lisa Mc Daniels. The Committee are putting the final touches to our application which must be submitted before the visit.


We are delighted to announce that on Friday 27th Feb. we had an inspection by a Fair Trade Officer. He was very impressed by our application and project and has made us the 1st school in Co. Sligo to be a fair trade school because of our overall awareness of the importance of fair trade and because of the fair trade products we use within the school. Well done to everyone!

On Friday 13th March Nuala McCarrick came to talk to us. Nuala is Moya and Neasa’s Mammy. Nuala talked to us about her time living and working in Africa. Thank you Nuala.

By the Green School Committee

Flag Number 10

We are working towards our tenth green school flag - unbelievable! 

Flag 10
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Green School News October 2021

We are currently working on achieving our 10th green flag as a Green School. The theme is  Global Citizenship Food and Biodiversity. This theme explores how growing and eating our own food impacts our personal health, and how it has knock-on impacts for local and foreign biodiversity.

Green Fingers March 2023

Today, the student council told us about the Budding Gardeners competition. It is for 3rd to 6th classes. They explained about the size of the raised flower bed, the varieties of flowers and vegetables and how we would be sowing seeds to grow the plants 

Then, with the help of Shauna, we all sowed some seeds and left them on window sills to germinate.

Green School Activities 2024

Here are some images of our garden. We have a wonderful range of food for humans and animals!

We are working towards our 10th Green Flag. The theme is Global Citizenship: Food & Biodiversity.


All children had the opportunity to design posters and come up with slogans. Ms. Toolan was delighted with the response from children from 1st-6th Class.

Year 1 food surveys were completed by all Teachers & Children.

A new committee was elected and plans made.

We investigated food habitats and plans were drawn.

Global goals were researched by the older children and will be further investigated during Year 2.


The Student Council were very good to let us use their planting box from last year. This was weeded and new compost added ready for planting. We watched the weather closely to avoid heavy rain & late frost. Eventually we saw a window of opportunity and planting began. The committee with help from children in Ms. Toolan's Class got to work.

Jacobs sheep wool was added to the raised bed and barrows by children in First & Second Class to keep the slugs away. Hopefully this natural method will work and we will have fruit or vegetables to eat before our Summer holidays.

Time to eat!!

We get our holidays today. The strawberries are coming along nicely but still not ready to eat. They are very big but too green to eat yet. The birds will enjoy them while we are on holidays!!

The peas are getting out of control so we tied up with some old twine and branches.

The lettuce is coming along nicely. Ms. Toolan is going to have some rocket salad sandwiches today.

Shauna is going to keep an eye on the box over the Summer and Ms. Toolan will pop over some evenings also.

We are disappointed that more didn't grow but we look forward to September and continuing on this journey.

Green School Committee 2023/24

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